☀️Sunday School
Sundays at 9:15
Here at Community Bible Church - Sunday school plays a vital role in the spiritual formation of individuals and the collective growth of the church. We recognize a need in Berkshire area to nurture a sense of community and spiritual growth. Sunday school offers an opportunity for people of all ages to deepen their faith and build strong relationships within the body of Christ.
At its core, Sunday school provides a structured environment where participants can study the Word of God in a focused and intentional way. It goes beyond a traditional worship service by allowing for interactive discussions, personal reflection, and practical application of biblical principles. This learning experience is crucial for developing a solid theological foundation that enables individuals to grow in their relationship with God and equips them for daily Christian living. In a region like Berkshire County, where many are seeking a meaningful connection with their faith, Sunday school serves as a bridge between the heart and mind, fostering a deeper understanding of the Bible and its relevance to everyday life.
Facilitators: Kelly Garnish, Marlinda Johnson, and Caitlin Grant
Pre K - 1st Grade
Join our Pre K to First grade class as we study Truth78's “He has Spoken by His Son,” New Testament Curriculum. We will meet in the “Children’s Church,” room at the end of the hall from the foyer.
2nd - 4th Grade
Facilitators: Beth Shustack and Julie Gill
Second to fourth graders can look forward to studying Truth 78's “How Majestic is Your Name.” Meeting in the room just past Pastor Tyler’s office after making the left. Before entering the Sanctuary.
Facilitator: Dan Shustack
5th - 8th Grade
Fifth to eighth graders can look forward to our newest addition grade level for Sunday School with Dan Shustack. Studying the text “Big Truths for Young Hearts: Teaching and Learning the Greatness of God.” This class will meet in what we call our “Foster Care Boutique,” room. Through the sanctuary find the room in the South West Corner when facing the pulpit.
9th - 12th Grade
Facilitator: Micah Blanks
Join Micah Blanks as we begin a deep dive into our personal theology on worship, spiritual practices and biblical principles in Generation Alpha. Meeting in the room in the North West Corner of the Sanctuary.
Facilitator: Patrick Bandy
Patrick Bandy will continue to gather with one of our adult classes in the Prayer Room centering a study on 1 John 4: 1-6.
Facilitator: Greg Phelan
Elder Greg Phelan will be teaching in the sanctuary at 9:15 prior to service. Join this study of Genesis 5-9.
Facilitator: Pastor Tyler
New Membership Class
Elder Greg Phelan will be teaching in the sanctuary at 9:15 prior to service. Join this study of Genesis 5-9.